#ifndef _QTL_SQLITE_H_ #define _QTL_SQLITE_H_ #include "sqlite3.h" #include #include #include #include "qtl_common.hpp" namespace qtl { namespace sqlite { class error : public std::exception { public: explicit error(int error_code) : m_errno(error_code) { m_errmsg=sqlite3_errstr(error_code); } explicit error(sqlite3* db) { m_errno=sqlite3_errcode(db); m_errmsg=sqlite3_errmsg(db); } error(const error& src) = default; virtual ~error() throw() { } virtual const char* what() const throw() override { return m_errmsg; } int code() const throw() { return m_errno; } private: int m_errno; const char* m_errmsg; }; class statement final { public: statement() : m_stmt(NULL), m_fetch_result(SQLITE_OK) { } statement(const statement&) = delete; statement(statement&& src) : m_stmt(src.m_stmt), m_fetch_result(src.m_fetch_result), m_tail_text(std::forward(src.m_tail_text)) { src.m_stmt=NULL; src.m_fetch_result=SQLITE_OK; } statement& operator=(const statement&) = delete; statement& operator=(statement&& src) { if(this!=&src) { m_stmt=src.m_stmt; m_fetch_result=src.m_fetch_result; m_tail_text=std::forward(src.m_tail_text); src.m_stmt=NULL; src.m_fetch_result=SQLITE_OK; } return *this; } ~statement() { close(); } void open(sqlite3* db, const char* query_text, size_t text_length=-1) { const char* tail=NULL; close(); verify_error(sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, query_text, (int)text_length, &m_stmt, &tail)); if(tail!=NULL) { if(text_length==-1) m_tail_text.assign(tail); else m_tail_text.assign(tail, query_text+text_length); } else m_tail_text.clear(); } void close() { if(m_stmt) { sqlite3_finalize(m_stmt); m_stmt=NULL; } } void bind_param(int index, int value) { verify_error(sqlite3_bind_int(m_stmt, index+1, value)); } void bind_param(int index, int64_t value) { verify_error(sqlite3_bind_int64(m_stmt, index+1, value)); } void bind_param(int index, double value) { verify_error(sqlite3_bind_double(m_stmt, index+1, value)); } void bind_param(int index, const char* value, size_t n=-1) { if(value) verify_error(sqlite3_bind_text(m_stmt, index+1, value, (int)n, NULL)); else verify_error(sqlite3_bind_null(m_stmt, index+1)); } void bind_param(int index, const wchar_t* value, size_t n=-1) { if(value) verify_error(sqlite3_bind_text16(m_stmt, index+1, value, (int)n, NULL)); else verify_error(sqlite3_bind_null(m_stmt, index+1)); } void bind_param(int index, const std::string& value) { bind_param(index, value.data(), value.size()); } void bind_param(int index, const std::wstring& value) { bind_param(index, value.data(), value.size()); } void bind_param(int index, const const_blob_data& value) { if(value.size) { if(value.data) verify_error(sqlite3_bind_blob(m_stmt, index+1, value.data, (int)value.size, NULL)); else verify_error(sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(m_stmt, index+1, (int)value.size)); } else verify_error(sqlite3_bind_null(m_stmt, index+1)); } void bind_zero_blob(int index, int n) { verify_error(sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(m_stmt, index+1, (int)n)); } //void bind_zero_blob(int index, sqlite3_uint64 n) //{ // verify_error(sqlite3_bind_zeroblob64(m_stmt, index+1, (int)n)); //} void bind_param(int index, qtl::null) { verify_error(sqlite3_bind_null(m_stmt, index+1)); } void bind_param(int index, std::nullptr_t) { verify_error(sqlite3_bind_null(m_stmt, index+1)); } int get_parameter_count() const { return sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(m_stmt); } const char* get_parameter_name(int i) const { return sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(m_stmt, i); } int get_parameter_index(const char* param_name) const { return sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(m_stmt, param_name); } template void bind_field(size_t index, Type&& value) { get_value((int)index, std::forward(value)); } template void bind_field(size_t index, qtl::indicator&& value) { int type=get_column_type(index); value.length=0; value.is_truncated=false; qtl::bind_field(*this, index, value.data); if(type==SQLITE_NULL) { value.is_null=true; } else { value.is_null=false; if(type==SQLITE_TEXT || type==SQLITE_BLOB) value.length=sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt, index); } } void bind_field(size_t index, char* value, size_t length) { size_t col_length=get_column_length((int)index); if(col_length>0) strncpy(value, (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(m_stmt, (int)index), std::min(length, col_length+1)); else memset(value, 0, length*sizeof(char)); } void bind_field(size_t index, wchar_t* value, size_t length) { size_t col_length=sqlite3_column_bytes16(m_stmt, (int)index); if(col_length>0) wcsncpy(value, (const wchar_t*)sqlite3_column_text16(m_stmt, (int)index), std::min(length, col_length+1)); else memset(value, 0, length*sizeof(wchar_t)); } template void bind_field(size_t index, char (&&value)[N]) { bind_field(index, value, N); } template void bind_field(size_t index, wchar_t (&&value)[N]) { bind_field(index, value, N); } template void bind_field(size_t index, std::array&& value) { bind_field(index, value.data(), value.size()); } template void bind_field(size_t index, std::array&& value) { bind_field(index, value.data(), value.size()); } #ifdef _QTL_ENABLE_CPP17 template inline void bind_field(size_t index, std::optional&& value) { int type = get_column_type(index); if (type == SQLITE_NULL) { value.reset(); } else { qtl::bind_field(*this, index, *value); } } inline void bind_field(size_t index, std::any&& value) { int type = get_column_type(index); switch(type) { case SQLITE_NULL: value.reset(); case SQLITE_INTEGER: value = sqlite3_column_int64(m_stmt, index); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: value = sqlite3_column_double(m_stmt, index); break; case SQLITE_TEXT: value.emplace((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(m_stmt, index), sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt, index)); break; case SQLITE_BLOB: value.emplace(sqlite3_column_text(m_stmt, index), sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt, index)); break; default: throw sqlite::error(SQLITE_MISMATCH); } } #endif // C++17 size_t find_field(const char* name) const { size_t count=get_column_count(); for(size_t i=0; i!=count; i++) { if(strcmp(get_column_name(i), name)==0) return i; } return -1; } bool fetch() { m_fetch_result=sqlite3_step(m_stmt); switch(m_fetch_result) { case SQLITE_ROW: return true; case SQLITE_DONE: return false; default: throw sqlite::error(m_fetch_result); } } int get_column_count() const { return sqlite3_column_count(m_stmt); } const char* get_column_name(int col) const { return sqlite3_column_name(m_stmt, col); } void get_value(int col, int&& value) const { value=sqlite3_column_int(m_stmt, col); } void get_value(int col, int64_t&& value) const { value=sqlite3_column_int64(m_stmt, col); } void get_value(int col, double&& value) const { value=sqlite3_column_double(m_stmt, col); } const unsigned char* get_value(int col) const { return sqlite3_column_text(m_stmt, col); } template const CharT* get_text_value(int col) const; template void get_value(int col, qtl::bind_string_helper&& value) const { typedef typename qtl::bind_string_helper::char_type char_type; int bytes=sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt, col); if(bytes>0) value.assign(get_text_value(col), bytes/sizeof(char_type)); else value.clear(); } void get_value(int col, const_blob_data&& value) const { value.data=sqlite3_column_blob(m_stmt, col); value.size=sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt, col); } void get_value(int col, blob_data&& value) const { const void* data=sqlite3_column_blob(m_stmt, col); size_t size=sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt, col); if(value.size0) value.write((const char*)data, size); } int get_column_length(int col) const { return sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt, col); } int get_column_type(int col) const { return sqlite3_column_type(m_stmt, col); } void clear_bindings() { sqlite3_clear_bindings(m_stmt); } void reset() { sqlite3_reset(m_stmt); } template void execute(const Types& params) { unsigned long count=get_parameter_count(); if(count>0) { qtl::bind_params(*this, params); } fetch(); } template bool fetch(Types&& values) { bool result=false; if(m_fetch_result==SQLITE_OK) fetch(); if(m_fetch_result==SQLITE_ROW) { result=true; qtl::bind_record(*this, std::forward(values)); m_fetch_result=SQLITE_OK; } return result; } bool next_result() { sqlite3* db=sqlite3_db_handle(m_stmt); int count=0; do { trim_string(m_tail_text, " \t\r\n"); if(!m_tail_text.empty()) { open(db, m_tail_text.data(), m_tail_text.size()); count=sqlite3_column_count(m_stmt); m_fetch_result=SQLITE_OK; } }while(!m_tail_text.empty() && count==0); return count>0;; } int affetced_rows() const { sqlite3* db=sqlite3_db_handle(m_stmt); return db ? sqlite3_changes(db) : 0; } int64_t insert_id() const { sqlite3* db=sqlite3_db_handle(m_stmt); return db ? sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db) : 0; } protected: sqlite3_stmt* m_stmt; std::string m_tail_text; int m_fetch_result; void verify_error(int e) { if(e!=SQLITE_OK) throw error(e); } }; class database final : public qtl::base_database { public: typedef sqlite::error exception_type; database() : m_db(NULL) { } ~database() { close(); } database(const database&) = delete; database(database&& src) { m_db=src.m_db; src.m_db=NULL; } database& operator=(const database&) = delete; database& operator=(database&& src) { if(this!=&src) { close(); m_db=src.m_db; src.m_db=NULL; } return *this; } void open(const char *filename, int flags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE) { int result=sqlite3_open_v2(filename, &m_db, flags, NULL); if(result!=SQLITE_OK) throw sqlite::error(result); } void open(const wchar_t *filename) { int result=sqlite3_open16(filename, &m_db); if(result!=SQLITE_OK) throw sqlite::error(result); } void close() { if(m_db) { sqlite3_close_v2(m_db); m_db=NULL; } } statement open_command(const char* query_text, size_t text_length) { statement stmt; stmt.open(handle(), query_text, text_length); return stmt; } statement open_command(const char* query_text) { return open_command(query_text, strlen(query_text)); } statement open_command(const std::string& query_text) { return open_command(query_text.data(), query_text.length()); } void simple_execute(const char* lpszSql) { int result=sqlite3_exec(m_db, lpszSql, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(result!=SQLITE_OK) throw sqlite::error(result); } void begin_transaction() { simple_execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION"); } void commit() { simple_execute("COMMIT TRANSACTION"); } void rollback() { simple_execute("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"); } bool is_alive() { #ifdef _WIN32 return true; #else int has_moved=0; int result=sqlite3_file_control(m_db, NULL, SQLITE_FCNTL_HAS_MOVED, &has_moved); if(result!=SQLITE_OK) throw sqlite::error(result); return has_moved==0; #endif //_WIN32 } const char* errmsg() const { return sqlite3_errmsg(m_db); } int error() const { return sqlite3_errcode(m_db); } uint64_t insert_id() { return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(m_db); } sqlite3* handle() { return m_db; } protected: sqlite3* m_db; }; // stream for blob field class blobbuf : public std::streambuf { public: blobbuf() { init(); } blobbuf(const blobbuf&) = delete; blobbuf(blobbuf&& src) : std::streambuf(std::move(src)) { init(); swap(src); } virtual ~blobbuf() { if(m_blob) { close(); } } blobbuf& operator=(const blobbuf&) = delete; blobbuf& operator=(blobbuf&& src) { if(this!=&src) { reset_back(); close(); swap(src); } return *this; } void swap( blobbuf& other ) { std::swap(m_blob, other.m_blob); std::swap(m_inbuf, other.m_inbuf); std::swap(m_outbuf, other.m_outbuf); std::swap(m_size, other.m_size); std::swap(m_inpos, other.m_inpos); std::swap(m_outpos, other.m_outpos); std::streambuf::swap(other); std::swap(m_back_char, other.m_back_char); if(eback() == &other.m_back_char) set_back(); else reset_back(); if(other.eback()==&m_back_char) other.set_back(); else other.reset_back(); } static void init_blob(database& db, const char* table, const char* column, int64_t row, int length) { statement stmt; std::ostringstream oss; oss<< "UPDATE " << table << " SET " << column << "=? WHERE rowid=?"; stmt.open(db.handle(), oss.str().data()); stmt.bind_zero_blob(0, length); stmt.bind_param(1, row); stmt.fetch(); } static void init_blob(database& db, const std::string& table, const std::string& column, int64_t row, int length) { return init_blob(db, table.c_str(), column.c_str(), row, length); } bool is_open() const { return m_blob!=nullptr; } blobbuf* open(database& db, const char* table, const char* column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode, const char* dbname="main") { int flags=0; if(mode&std::ios_base::out) flags=1; if(sqlite3_blob_open(db.handle(), dbname, table, column, row, flags, &m_blob)==SQLITE_OK) { m_size=sqlite3_blob_bytes(m_blob)/sizeof(char); // prepare buffer size_t bufsize=std::min(default_buffer_size, m_size); if(mode&std::ios_base::in) { m_inbuf.resize(bufsize); m_inpos=0; setg(m_inbuf.data(), m_inbuf.data(), m_inbuf.data()); } if(mode&std::ios_base::out) { m_outbuf.resize(bufsize); m_outpos=0; setp(m_outbuf.data(), m_outbuf.data()+bufsize); } } return this; } blobbuf* open(database& db, const std::string& table, const std::string& column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode, const char* dbname="main") { return open(db, table.c_str(), column.c_str(), row, mode, dbname); } blobbuf* close() { if(m_blob==nullptr) return nullptr; overflow(); sqlite3_blob_close(m_blob); init(); return this; } std::streamoff size() const { return std::streamoff(m_size); } void flush() { if(m_blob) overflow(); } protected: enum { default_buffer_size = 4096 }; virtual pos_type seekoff( off_type off, std::ios_base::seekdir dir, std::ios_base::openmode which = std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out ) override { if(!is_open()) return pos_type(off_type(-1)); pos_type pos=0; if(which&std::ios_base::out) { pos=seekoff(m_outpos, off, dir); } else if(which&std::ios_base::in) { pos=seekoff(m_inpos, off, dir); } return seekpos(pos, which); } virtual pos_type seekpos( pos_type pos, std::ios_base::openmode which = std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out) override { if(!is_open()) return pos_type(off_type(-1)); if(pos>=m_size) return pos_type(off_type(-1)); if(which&std::ios_base::out) { if(pos=m_outpos+off_type(egptr()-pbase())) { overflow(); m_outpos=pos; setp(m_outbuf.data(), m_outbuf.data()+m_outbuf.size()); } else { pbump(off_type(pos-pabs())); } } else if(which&std::ios_base::in) { if(pos=m_inpos+off_type(epptr()-eback())) { m_inpos=pos; setg(m_inbuf.data(), m_inbuf.data(), m_inbuf.data()); } else { gbump(off_type(pos-gabs())); } } return pos; } virtual std::streamsize showmanyc() override { return m_size-pabs(); } //reads characters from the associated input sequence to the get area virtual int_type underflow() override { if(!is_open()) return traits_type::eof(); if(pptr()>pbase()) overflow(); off_type count=egptr()-eback(); pos_type next_pos=0; if(count==0 && eback()==m_inbuf.data()) { setg(m_inbuf.data(), m_inbuf.data(), m_inbuf.data()+m_inbuf.size()); count=m_inbuf.size(); } else { next_pos=m_inpos+pos_type(count); } if(next_pos>=m_size) return traits_type::eof(); count=std::min(count, m_size-next_pos); m_inpos = next_pos; if(sqlite3_blob_read(m_blob, eback(), count, m_inpos)!=SQLITE_OK) return traits_type::eof(); setg(eback(), eback(), eback()+count); return traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr()); } /*//reads characters from the associated input sequence to the get area and advances the next pointer virtual int_type uflow() override { }*/ //writes characters to the associated output sequence from the put area virtual int_type overflow( int_type ch = traits_type::eof() ) override { if(!is_open()) return traits_type::eof(); if(pptr()!=pbase()) { size_t count = pptr()-pbase(); if(sqlite3_blob_write(m_blob, pbase(), count, m_outpos)!=SQLITE_OK) return traits_type::eof(); auto intersection = interval_intersection(m_inpos, egptr()-eback(), m_outpos, epptr()-pbase()); if(intersection.first!=intersection.second) { commit(intersection.first, intersection.second); } m_outpos+=count; setp(pbase(), epptr()); } if(!traits_type::eq_int_type(ch, traits_type::eof())) { char_type c = traits_type::to_char_type(ch); if(m_outpos>=m_size) return traits_type::eof(); if(sqlite3_blob_write(m_blob, &c, 1, m_outpos)!=SQLITE_OK) return traits_type::eof(); auto intersection = interval_intersection(m_inpos, egptr()-eback(), m_outpos, 1); if(intersection.first!=intersection.second) { eback()[intersection.first-m_inpos]=c; } m_outpos+=1; } return ch; } virtual int_type pbackfail( int_type c = traits_type::eof() ) override { if (gptr() == 0 || gptr() <= eback() || (!traits_type::eq_int_type(traits_type::eof(), c) && !traits_type::eq(traits_type::to_char_type(c), gptr()[-1]))) { return (traits_type::eof()); // can't put back, fail } else { // back up one position and store put-back character gbump(-1); if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(traits_type::eof(), c)) *gptr() = traits_type::to_char_type(c); return (traits_type::not_eof(c)); } } private: sqlite3_blob* m_blob; std::vector m_inbuf; std::vector m_outbuf; pos_type m_size; pos_type m_inpos; //position in the input sequence pos_type m_outpos; //position in the output sequence void init() { m_blob=nullptr; m_size=0; m_inpos=m_outpos=0; m_set_eback=m_set_egptr=nullptr; m_back_char=0; setg(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); setp(nullptr, nullptr); } off_type seekoff(off_type position, off_type off, std::ios_base::seekdir dir) { off_type result=0; switch(dir) { case std::ios_base::beg: result=off; break; case std::ios_base::cur: result=position+off; break; case std::ios_base::end: result=m_size-off; break; } if(result>m_size) result=m_size; return result; } void reset_back() { // restore buffer after putback if (this->eback() == &m_back_char) this->setg(m_set_eback, m_set_eback, m_set_egptr); } void set_back() { // set up putback area if (this->eback() != &m_back_char) { // save current get buffer m_set_eback = this->eback(); m_set_egptr = this->egptr(); } this->setg(&m_back_char, &m_back_char, &m_back_char + 1); } char_type *m_set_eback { nullptr }; // saves eback() during one-element putback char_type *m_set_egptr { nullptr }; // saves egptr() char_type m_back_char { 0 }; void move_data(blobbuf& other) { m_blob=other.m_blob; other.m_blob=nullptr; m_size=other.m_size; other.m_size=0; m_inpos=other.m_inpos; other.m_inpos=0; m_outpos=other.m_outpos; other.m_outpos=0; } static std::pair interval_intersection(pos_type first1, pos_type last1, pos_type first2, pos_type last2) { if(first1>first2) { std::swap(first1, first2); std::swap(last1, last2); } if(first2 interval_intersection(pos_type first1, off_type count1, pos_type first2, off_type count2) { return interval_intersection(first1, first1+count1, first2, first2+count2); } void commit(off_type first, off_type last) { char_type* src= pbase()+(first-m_outpos); char_type* dest = eback()+(first-m_inpos); memmove(dest, src, last-first); } pos_type gabs() const // absolute offset of input pointer in blob field { return m_inpos+off_type(gptr()-eback()); } pos_type pabs() const // absolute offset of output pointer in blob field { return m_outpos+off_type(pptr()-pbase()); } }; class iblobstream : public std::istream { public: iblobstream() : std::istream(&m_buffer) { } iblobstream(database& db, const char* table, const char* column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in, const char* dbname="main") : std::istream(&m_buffer) { open(db, table, column, row, mode, dbname); } iblobstream(database& db, const std::string& table, const std::string& column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in, const char* dbname="main") : std::istream(&m_buffer) { open(db, table, column, row, mode, dbname); } iblobstream(const iblobstream&) = delete; iblobstream(iblobstream&& src) : std::istream(&m_buffer), m_buffer(std::move(src.m_buffer)) { } iblobstream& operator=(const iblobstream&) = delete; iblobstream& operator=(iblobstream&& src) { m_buffer.operator =(std::move(src.m_buffer)); } bool is_open() const { return m_buffer.is_open(); } void open(database& db, const char* table, const char* column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in, const char* dbname="main") { if(m_buffer.open(db, table, column, row, mode|std::ios_base::in, dbname)==nullptr) this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); else this->clear(); } void open(database& db, const std::string& table, const std::string& column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in, const char* dbname="main") { open(db, table.c_str(), column.c_str(), row, mode, dbname); } void close() { if(m_buffer.close()==nullptr) this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } blobbuf* rdbuf() const { return const_cast(&m_buffer); } std::streamoff blob_size() const { return m_buffer.size(); } private: blobbuf m_buffer; }; class oblobstream : public std::ostream { public: oblobstream() : std::ostream(&m_buffer) { } oblobstream(database& db, const char* table, const char* column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in, const char* dbname="main") : std::ostream(&m_buffer) { open(db, table, column, row, mode, dbname); } oblobstream(database& db, const std::string& table, const std::string& column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in, const char* dbname="main") : std::ostream(&m_buffer) { open(db, table, column, row, mode, dbname); } oblobstream(const oblobstream&) = delete; oblobstream(oblobstream&& src) : std::ostream(&m_buffer), m_buffer(std::move(src.m_buffer)) { } oblobstream& operator=(const oblobstream&) = delete; oblobstream& operator=(oblobstream&& src) { m_buffer.operator =(std::move(src.m_buffer)); } bool is_open() const { return m_buffer.is_open(); } void open(database& db, const char* table, const char* column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::out, const char* dbname="main") { if(m_buffer.open(db, table, column, row, mode|std::ios_base::out, dbname)==nullptr) this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); else this->clear(); } void open(database& db, const std::string& table, const std::string& column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::out, const char* dbname="main") { open(db, table.c_str(), column.c_str(), row, mode, dbname); } void close() { if(m_buffer.close()==nullptr) this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } blobbuf* rdbuf() const { return const_cast(&m_buffer); } std::streamoff blob_size() const { return m_buffer.size(); } private: blobbuf m_buffer; }; class blobstream : public std::iostream { public: blobstream() : std::iostream(&m_buffer) { } blobstream(database& db, const char* table, const char* column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in, const char* dbname="main") : std::iostream(&m_buffer) { open(db, table, column, row, mode, dbname); } blobstream(database& db, const std::string& table, const std::string& column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in, const char* dbname="main") : std::iostream(&m_buffer) { open(db, table, column, row, mode, dbname); } blobstream(const blobstream&) = delete; blobstream(blobstream&& src) : std::iostream(&m_buffer), m_buffer(std::move(src.m_buffer)) { } blobstream& operator=(const blobstream&) = delete; blobstream& operator=(blobstream&& src) { m_buffer.operator =(std::move(src.m_buffer)); } bool is_open() const { return m_buffer.is_open(); } void open(database& db, const char* table, const char* column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out, const char* dbname="main") { if(m_buffer.open(db, table, column, row, mode|std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out, dbname)==nullptr) this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); else this->clear(); } void open(database& db, const std::string& table, const std::string& column, sqlite3_int64 row, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out, const char* dbname="main") { open(db, table.c_str(), column.c_str(), row, mode, dbname); } void close() { if(m_buffer.close()==nullptr) this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); } blobbuf* rdbuf() const { return const_cast(&m_buffer); } std::streamoff blob_size() const { return m_buffer.size(); } private: blobbuf m_buffer; }; typedef qtl::transaction transaction; template using query_iterator = qtl::query_iterator; template using query_result = qtl::query_result; template inline statement& operator<<(statement& stmt, const Params& params) { stmt.reset(); stmt.execute(params); return stmt; } template<> inline const char* statement::get_text_value(int col) const { return (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(m_stmt, col); } template<> inline const wchar_t* statement::get_text_value(int col) const { return (const wchar_t*)sqlite3_column_text16(m_stmt, col); } } } #endif //_QTL_SQLITE_H_