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2024-09-09 19:18:28 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2020 IBM Corp.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
* @file
* \brief This structure represents a persistent data store, used to store
* outbound and inbound messages, in order to achieve reliable messaging.
* The MQTT Client persists QoS1 and QoS2 messages in order to meet the
* assurances of delivery associated with these @ref qos levels. The messages
* are saved in persistent storage
* The type and context of the persistence implementation are specified when
* the MQTT client is created (see MQTTClient_create()). The default
* persistence type (::MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT) uses a file system-based
* persistence mechanism. The <i>persistence_context</i> argument passed to
* MQTTClient_create() when using the default peristence is a string
* representing the location of the persistence directory. If the context
* argument is NULL, the working directory will be used.
* To use memory-based persistence, an application passes
* ::MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_NONE as the <i>persistence_type</i> to
* MQTTClient_create(). This can lead to message loss in certain situations,
* but can be appropriate in some cases (see @ref qos).
* Client applications can provide their own persistence mechanism by passing
* ::MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_USER as the <i>persistence_type</i>. To implement a
* custom persistence mechanism, the application must pass an initialized
* ::MQTTClient_persistence structure as the <i>persistence_context</i>
* argument to MQTTClient_create().
* If the functions defined return an ::MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_ERROR then the
* state of the persisted data should remain as it was prior to the function
* being called. For example, if Persistence_put() returns
* ::MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_ERROR, then it is assumed tha tthe persistent store
* does not contain the data that was passed to the function. Similarly, if
* Persistence_remove() returns ::MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_ERROR then it is
* assumed that the data to be removed is still held in the persistent store.
* It is up to the persistence implementation to log any error information that
* may be required to diagnose a persistence mechanism failure.
/// @cond EXCLUDE
/// @endcond
* This <i>persistence_type</i> value specifies the default file system-based
* persistence mechanism (see MQTTClient_create()).
* This <i>persistence_type</i> value specifies a memory-based
* persistence mechanism (see MQTTClient_create()).
* This <i>persistence_type</i> value specifies an application-specific
* persistence mechanism (see MQTTClient_create()).
* Application-specific persistence functions must return this error code if
* there is a problem executing the function.
* @brief Initialize the persistent store.
* Either open the existing persistent store for this client ID or create a new
* one if one doesn't exist. If the persistent store is already open, return
* without taking any action.
* An application can use the same client identifier to connect to many
* different servers. The <i>clientid</i> in conjunction with the
* <i>serverURI</i> uniquely identifies the persistence store required.
* @param handle The address of a pointer to a handle for this persistence
* implementation. This function must set handle to a valid reference to the
* persistence following a successful return.
* The handle pointer is passed as an argument to all the other
* persistence functions. It may include the context parameter and/or any other
* data for use by the persistence functions.
* @param clientID The client identifier for which the persistent store should
* be opened.
* @param serverURI The connection string specified when the MQTT client was
* created (see MQTTClient_create()).
* @param context A pointer to any data required to initialize the persistent
* store (see ::MQTTClient_persistence).
* @return Return 0 if the function completes successfully, otherwise return
typedef int (*Persistence_open)(void** handle, const char* clientID, const char* serverURI, void* context);
* @brief Close the persistent store referred to by the handle.
* @param handle The handle pointer from a successful call to
* Persistence_open().
* @return Return 0 if the function completes successfully, otherwise return
typedef int (*Persistence_close)(void* handle);
* @brief Put the specified data into the persistent store.
* @param handle The handle pointer from a successful call to
* Persistence_open().
* @param key A string used as the key for the data to be put in the store. The
* key is later used to retrieve data from the store with Persistence_get().
* @param bufcount The number of buffers to write to the persistence store.
* @param buffers An array of pointers to the data buffers associated with
* this <i>key</i>.
* @param buflens An array of lengths of the data buffers. <i>buflen[n]</i>
* gives the length of <i>buffer[n]</i>.
* @return Return 0 if the function completes successfully, otherwise return
typedef int (*Persistence_put)(void* handle, char* key, int bufcount, char* buffers[], int buflens[]);
* @brief Retrieve the specified data from the persistent store.
* @param handle The handle pointer from a successful call to
* Persistence_open().
* @param key A string that is the key for the data to be retrieved. This is
* the same key used to save the data to the store with Persistence_put().
* @param buffer The address of a pointer to a buffer. This function sets the
* pointer to point at the retrieved data, if successful.
* @param buflen The address of an int that is set to the length of
* <i>buffer</i> by this function if successful.
* @return Return 0 if the function completes successfully, otherwise return
typedef int (*Persistence_get)(void* handle, char* key, char** buffer, int* buflen);
* @brief Remove the data for the specified key from the store.
* @param handle The handle pointer from a successful call to
* Persistence_open().
* @param key A string that is the key for the data to be removed from the
* store. This is the same key used to save the data to the store with
* Persistence_put().
* @return Return 0 if the function completes successfully, otherwise return
typedef int (*Persistence_remove)(void* handle, char* key);
* @brief Returns the keys in this persistent data store.
* @param handle The handle pointer from a successful call to
* Persistence_open().
* @param keys The address of a pointer to pointers to strings. Assuming
* successful execution, this function allocates memory to hold the returned
* keys (strings used to store the data with Persistence_put()). It also
* allocates memory to hold an array of pointers to these strings. <i>keys</i>
* is set to point to the array of pointers to strings.
* @param nkeys A pointer to the number of keys in this persistent data store.
* This function sets the number of keys, if successful.
* @return Return 0 if the function completes successfully, otherwise return
typedef int (*Persistence_keys)(void* handle, char*** keys, int* nkeys);
* @brief Clears the persistence store, so that it no longer contains any
* persisted data.
* @param handle The handle pointer from a successful call to
* Persistence_open().
* @return Return 0 if the function completes successfully, otherwise return
typedef int (*Persistence_clear)(void* handle);
* @brief Returns whether any data has been persisted using the specified key.
* @param handle The handle pointer from a successful call to
* Persistence_open().
* @param key The string to be tested for existence in the store.
* @return Return 0 if the key was found in the store, otherwise return
typedef int (*Persistence_containskey)(void* handle, char* key);
* @brief A structure containing the function pointers to a persistence
* implementation and the context or state that will be shared across all
* the persistence functions.
typedef struct {
* A pointer to any data required to initialize the persistent store.
void* context;
* A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_open().
Persistence_open popen;
* A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_close().
Persistence_close pclose;
* A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_put().
Persistence_put pput;
* A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_get().
Persistence_get pget;
* A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_remove().
Persistence_remove premove;
* A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_keys().
Persistence_keys pkeys;
* A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_clear().
Persistence_clear pclear;
* A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_containskey().
Persistence_containskey pcontainskey;
} MQTTClient_persistence;
* A callback which is invoked just before a write to persistence. This can be
* used to transform the data, for instance to encrypt it.
* @param context The context as set in ::MQTTAsync_setBeforePersistenceWrite
* @param bufcount The number of buffers to write to the persistence store.
* @param buffers An array of pointers to the data buffers.
* @param buflens An array of lengths of the data buffers.
* @return Return 0 if the function completes successfully, otherwise non 0.
typedef int MQTTPersistence_beforeWrite(void* context, int bufcount, char* buffers[], int buflens[]);
* A callback which is invoked just after a read from persistence. This can be
* used to transform the data, for instance to decrypt it.
* @param context The context as set in ::MQTTAsync_setAfterPersistenceRead
* @param buffer The address of a pointer to a buffer.
* @param buflen The address of an int that is the length of the buffer.
* @return Return 0 if the function completes successfully, otherwise non 0.
typedef int MQTTPersistence_afterRead(void* context, char** buffer, int* buflen);