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2024-09-09 19:18:28 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2023 IBM Corp. and Ian Craggs
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
* Ian Craggs, Allan Stockdill-Mander - SSL updates
* Ian Craggs - MQTT 3.1.1 support
* Ian Craggs - fix for issue 453
* Ian Craggs - MQTT 5.0 support
* @file
* \brief functions to deal with reading and writing of MQTT packets from and to sockets
* Some other related functions are in the MQTTPacketOut module
#include "MQTTPacket.h"
#include "Log.h"
#if !defined(NO_PERSISTENCE)
#include "MQTTPersistence.h"
#include "Messages.h"
#include "StackTrace.h"
#include "WebSocket.h"
#include "MQTTTime.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Heap.h"
#if !defined(min)
#define min(A,B) ( (A) < (B) ? (A):(B))
* List of the predefined MQTT v3/v5 packet names.
static const char *packet_names[] =
const char** MQTTClient_packet_names = packet_names;
* Converts an MQTT packet code into its name
* @param ptype packet code
* @return the corresponding string, or "UNKNOWN"
const char* MQTTPacket_name(int ptype)
return (ptype >= 0 && ptype <= AUTH) ? packet_names[ptype] : "UNKNOWN";
* Array of functions to build packets, indexed according to packet code
pf new_packets[] =
NULL, /**< reserved */
NULL, /**< MQTTPacket_connect*/
MQTTPacket_connack, /**< CONNACK */
MQTTPacket_publish, /**< PUBLISH */
MQTTPacket_ack, /**< PUBACK */
MQTTPacket_ack, /**< PUBREC */
MQTTPacket_ack, /**< PUBREL */
MQTTPacket_ack, /**< PUBCOMP */
NULL, /**< MQTTPacket_subscribe*/
MQTTPacket_suback, /**< SUBACK */
NULL, /**< MQTTPacket_unsubscribe*/
MQTTPacket_unsuback, /**< UNSUBACK */
MQTTPacket_header_only, /**< PINGREQ */
MQTTPacket_header_only, /**< PINGRESP */
MQTTPacket_ack, /**< DISCONNECT */
MQTTPacket_ack /**< AUTH */
static char* readUTFlen(char** pptr, char* enddata, int* len);
static int MQTTPacket_send_ack(int MQTTVersion, int type, int msgid, int dup, networkHandles *net);
* Reads one MQTT packet from a socket.
* @param socket a socket from which to read an MQTT packet
* @param error pointer to the error code which is completed if no packet is returned
* @return the packet structure or NULL if there was an error
void* MQTTPacket_Factory(int MQTTVersion, networkHandles* net, int* error)
char* data = NULL;
static Header header;
size_t remaining_length;
int ptype;
void* pack = NULL;
size_t actual_len = 0;
*error = SOCKET_ERROR; /* indicate whether an error occurred, or not */
const size_t headerWsFramePos = WebSocket_framePos();
/* read the packet data from the socket */
*error = WebSocket_getch(net, &header.byte);
if (*error != TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE) /* first byte is the header byte */
goto exit; /* packet not read, *error indicates whether SOCKET_ERROR occurred */
/* now read the remaining length, so we know how much more to read */
if ((*error = MQTTPacket_decode(net, &remaining_length)) != TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE)
goto exit; /* packet not read, *error indicates whether SOCKET_ERROR occurred */
/* now read the rest, the variable header and payload */
data = WebSocket_getdata(net, remaining_length, &actual_len);
if (remaining_length && data == NULL)
*error = SOCKET_ERROR;
goto exit; /* socket error */
if (actual_len < remaining_length)
net->lastReceived = MQTTTime_now();
ptype = header.bits.type;
if (ptype < CONNECT || (MQTTVersion < MQTTVERSION_5 && ptype >= DISCONNECT) ||
(MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5 && ptype > AUTH) ||
new_packets[ptype] == NULL)
Log(TRACE_MIN, 2, NULL, ptype);
if ((pack = (*new_packets[ptype])(MQTTVersion, header.byte, data, remaining_length)) == NULL)
Log(LOG_ERROR, -1, "Bad MQTT packet, type %d", ptype);
#if !defined(NO_PERSISTENCE)
else if (header.bits.type == PUBLISH && header.bits.qos == 2)
int buf0len;
char *buf = malloc(10);
if (buf == NULL)
*error = SOCKET_ERROR;
goto exit;
buf[0] = header.byte;
buf0len = 1 + MQTTPacket_encode(&buf[1], remaining_length);
*error = MQTTPersistence_putPacket(net->socket, buf, buf0len, 1,
&data, &remaining_length, header.bits.type, ((Publish *)pack)->msgId, 1, MQTTVersion);
if (pack)
net->lastReceived = MQTTTime_now();
return pack;
* Sends an MQTT packet in one system call write
* @param socket the socket to which to write the data
* @param header the one-byte MQTT header
* @param buffer the rest of the buffer to write (not including remaining length)
* @param buflen the length of the data in buffer to be written
* @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT being used
* @return the completion code (TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE etc)
int MQTTPacket_send(networkHandles* net, Header header, char* buffer, size_t buflen, int freeData,
int MQTTVersion)
int rc = SOCKET_ERROR;
size_t buf0len;
char *buf;
PacketBuffers packetbufs;
buf0len = 1 + MQTTPacket_encode(NULL, buflen);
buf = malloc(buf0len);
if (buf == NULL)
goto exit;
buf[0] = header.byte;
MQTTPacket_encode(&buf[1], buflen);
#if !defined(NO_PERSISTENCE)
if (header.bits.type == PUBREL)
char* ptraux = buffer;
int msgId = readInt(&ptraux);
rc = MQTTPersistence_putPacket(net->socket, buf, buf0len, 1, &buffer, &buflen,
header.bits.type, msgId, 0, MQTTVersion);
packetbufs.count = 1;
packetbufs.buffers = &buffer;
packetbufs.buflens = &buflen;
packetbufs.frees = &freeData;
memset(packetbufs.mask, '\0', sizeof(packetbufs.mask));
rc = WebSocket_putdatas(net, &buf, &buf0len, &packetbufs);
net->lastSent = MQTTTime_now();
return rc;
* Sends an MQTT packet from multiple buffers in one system call write
* @param socket the socket to which to write the data
* @param header the one-byte MQTT header
* @param count the number of buffers
* @param buffers the rest of the buffers to write (not including remaining length)
* @param buflens the lengths of the data in the array of buffers to be written
* @param the MQTT version being used
* @return the completion code (TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE etc)
int MQTTPacket_sends(networkHandles* net, Header header, PacketBuffers* bufs, int MQTTVersion)
int i, rc = SOCKET_ERROR;
size_t buf0len, total = 0;
char *buf;
for (i = 0; i < bufs->count; i++)
total += bufs->buflens[i];
buf0len = 1 + MQTTPacket_encode(NULL, total);
buf = malloc(buf0len);
if (buf == NULL)
goto exit;
buf[0] = header.byte;
MQTTPacket_encode(&buf[1], total);
#if !defined(NO_PERSISTENCE)
if (header.bits.type == PUBLISH && header.bits.qos != 0)
{ /* persist PUBLISH QoS1 and Qo2 */
char *ptraux = bufs->buffers[2];
int msgId = readInt(&ptraux);
rc = MQTTPersistence_putPacket(net->socket, buf, buf0len, bufs->count, bufs->buffers, bufs->buflens,
header.bits.type, msgId, 0, MQTTVersion);
rc = WebSocket_putdatas(net, &buf, &buf0len, bufs);
net->lastSent = MQTTTime_now();
return rc;
* Encodes the message length according to the MQTT algorithm
* @param buf the buffer into which the encoded data is written
* @param length the length to be encoded
* @return the number of bytes written to buffer
int MQTTPacket_encode(char* buf, size_t length)
int rc = 0;
char d = length % 128;
length /= 128;
/* if there are more digits to encode, set the top bit of this digit */
if (length > 0)
d |= 0x80;
if (buf)
buf[rc++] = d;
} while (length > 0);
return rc;
* Decodes the message length according to the MQTT algorithm
* @param socket the socket from which to read the bytes
* @param value the decoded length returned
* @return the number of bytes read from the socket
int MQTTPacket_decode(networkHandles* net, size_t* value)
int rc = SOCKET_ERROR;
char c;
int multiplier = 1;
int len = 0;
*value = 0;
rc = SOCKET_ERROR; /* bad data */
goto exit;
rc = WebSocket_getch(net, &c);
goto exit;
*value += (c & 127) * multiplier;
multiplier *= 128;
} while ((c & 128) != 0);
return rc;
* Calculates an integer from two bytes read from the input buffer
* @param pptr pointer to the input buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @return the integer value calculated
int readInt(char** pptr)
char* ptr = *pptr;
int len = 256*((unsigned char)(*ptr)) + (unsigned char)(*(ptr+1));
*pptr += 2;
return len;
* Reads a "UTF" string from the input buffer. UTF as in the MQTT v3 spec which really means
* a length delimited string. So it reads the two byte length then the data according to
* that length. The end of the buffer is provided too, so we can prevent buffer overruns caused
* by an incorrect length.
* @param pptr pointer to the input buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @param enddata pointer to the end of the buffer not to be read beyond
* @param len returns the calculcated value of the length bytes read
* @return an allocated C string holding the characters read, or NULL if the length read would
* have caused an overrun.
static char* readUTFlen(char** pptr, char* enddata, int* len)
char* string = NULL;
if (enddata - (*pptr) > 1) /* enough length to read the integer? */
*len = readInt(pptr);
if (&(*pptr)[*len] <= enddata)
if ((string = malloc(*len+1)) == NULL)
goto exit;
memcpy(string, *pptr, *len);
string[*len] = '\0';
*pptr += *len;
return string;
* Reads a "UTF" string from the input buffer. UTF as in the MQTT v3 spec which really means
* a length delimited string. So it reads the two byte length then the data according to
* that length. The end of the buffer is provided too, so we can prevent buffer overruns caused
* by an incorrect length.
* @param pptr pointer to the input buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @param enddata pointer to the end of the buffer not to be read beyond
* @return an allocated C string holding the characters read, or NULL if the length read would
* have caused an overrun.
char* readUTF(char** pptr, char* enddata)
int len;
return readUTFlen(pptr, enddata, &len);
* Reads one character from the input buffer.
* @param pptr pointer to the input buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @return the character read
unsigned char readChar(char** pptr)
unsigned char c = **pptr;
return c;
* Writes one character to an output buffer.
* @param pptr pointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @param c the character to write
void writeChar(char** pptr, char c)
**pptr = c;
* Writes an integer as 2 bytes to an output buffer.
* @param pptr pointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @param anInt the integer to write
void writeInt(char** pptr, int anInt)
**pptr = (char)(anInt / 256);
**pptr = (char)(anInt % 256);
* Writes a "UTF" string to an output buffer. Converts C string to length-delimited.
* @param pptr pointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @param string the C string to write
void writeUTF(char** pptr, const char* string)
size_t len = strlen(string);
writeInt(pptr, (int)len);
memcpy(*pptr, string, len);
*pptr += len;
* Writes length delimited data to an output buffer
* @param pptr pointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @param data the data to write
* @param datalen the length of the data to write
void writeData(char** pptr, const void* data, int datalen)
writeInt(pptr, datalen);
memcpy(*pptr, data, datalen);
*pptr += datalen;
* Function used in the new packets table to create packets which have only a header.
* @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT
* @param aHeader the MQTT header byte
* @param data the rest of the packet
* @param datalen the length of the rest of the packet
* @return pointer to the packet structure
void* MQTTPacket_header_only(int MQTTVersion, unsigned char aHeader, char* data, size_t datalen)
static unsigned char header = 0;
header = aHeader;
return &header;
* Send an MQTT disconnect packet down a socket.
* @param socket the open socket to send the data to
* @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE)
int MQTTPacket_send_disconnect(Clients* client, enum MQTTReasonCodes reason, MQTTProperties* props)
Header header;
int rc = 0;
header.byte = 0;
header.bits.type = DISCONNECT;
if (client->MQTTVersion >= 5 && (props || reason != MQTTREASONCODE_SUCCESS))
size_t buflen = 1 + ((props == NULL) ? 0 : MQTTProperties_len(props));
char *buf = NULL;
char *ptr = NULL;
if ((buf = malloc(buflen)) == NULL)
goto exit;
ptr = buf;
writeChar(&ptr, reason);
if (props)
MQTTProperties_write(&ptr, props);
if ((rc = MQTTPacket_send(&client->net, header, buf, buflen, 1,
rc = MQTTPacket_send(&client->net, header, NULL, 0, 0, client->MQTTVersion);
Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 28, NULL, client->net.socket, client->clientID, rc);
return rc;
* Function used in the new packets table to create publish packets.
* @param MQTTVersion
* @param aHeader the MQTT header byte
* @param data the rest of the packet
* @param datalen the length of the rest of the packet
* @return pointer to the packet structure
void* MQTTPacket_publish(int MQTTVersion, unsigned char aHeader, char* data, size_t datalen)
Publish* pack = NULL;
char* curdata = data;
char* enddata = &data[datalen];
if ((pack = malloc(sizeof(Publish))) == NULL)
goto exit;
memset(pack, '\0', sizeof(Publish));
pack->MQTTVersion = MQTTVersion;
pack->header.byte = aHeader;
if ((pack->topic = readUTFlen(&curdata, enddata, &pack->topiclen)) == NULL) /* Topic name on which to publish */
pack = NULL;
goto exit;
if (pack->header.bits.qos > 0) /* Msgid only exists for QoS 1 or 2 */
if (enddata - curdata < 2) /* Is there enough data for the msgid? */
pack = NULL;
goto exit;
pack->msgId = readInt(&curdata);
pack->msgId = 0;
if (MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5)
MQTTProperties props = MQTTProperties_initializer;
pack->properties = props;
if (MQTTProperties_read(&pack->properties, &curdata, enddata) != 1)
if (pack->properties.array)
if (pack)
pack = NULL; /* signal protocol error */
goto exit;
pack->payload = curdata;
pack->payloadlen = (int)(datalen-(curdata-data));
return pack;
* Free allocated storage for a publish packet.
* @param pack pointer to the publish packet structure
void MQTTPacket_freePublish(Publish* pack)
if (pack->topic != NULL)
if (pack->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5)
* Free allocated storage for an ack packet.
* @param pack pointer to the publish packet structure
void MQTTPacket_freeAck(Ack* pack)
if (pack->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5)
* Send an MQTT acknowledgement packet down a socket.
* @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT being used
* @param type the MQTT packet type e.g. SUBACK
* @param msgid the MQTT message id to use
* @param dup boolean - whether to set the MQTT DUP flag
* @param net the network handle to send the data to
* @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE)
static int MQTTPacket_send_ack(int MQTTVersion, int type, int msgid, int dup, networkHandles *net)
Header header;
int rc = SOCKET_ERROR;
char *buf = NULL;
char *ptr = NULL;
if ((ptr = buf = malloc(2)) == NULL)
goto exit;
header.byte = 0;
header.bits.type = type;
header.bits.dup = dup;
if (type == PUBREL)
header.bits.qos = 1;
writeInt(&ptr, msgid);
if ((rc = MQTTPacket_send(net, header, buf, 2, 1, MQTTVersion)) != TCPSOCKET_INTERRUPTED)
return rc;
* Send an MQTT PUBACK packet down a socket.
* @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT being used
* @param msgid the MQTT message id to use
* @param socket the open socket to send the data to
* @param clientID the string client identifier, only used for tracing
* @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE)
int MQTTPacket_send_puback(int MQTTVersion, int msgid, networkHandles* net, const char* clientID)
int rc = 0;
rc = MQTTPacket_send_ack(MQTTVersion, PUBACK, msgid, 0, net);
Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 12, NULL, net->socket, clientID, msgid, rc);
return rc;
* Free allocated storage for a suback packet.
* @param pack pointer to the suback packet structure
void MQTTPacket_freeSuback(Suback* pack)
if (pack->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5)
if (pack->qoss != NULL)
* Free allocated storage for a suback packet.
* @param pack pointer to the suback packet structure
void MQTTPacket_freeUnsuback(Unsuback* pack)
if (pack->MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5)
if (pack->reasonCodes != NULL)
* Send an MQTT PUBREC packet down a socket.
* @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT being used
* @param msgid the MQTT message id to use
* @param socket the open socket to send the data to
* @param clientID the string client identifier, only used for tracing
* @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE)
int MQTTPacket_send_pubrec(int MQTTVersion, int msgid, networkHandles* net, const char* clientID)
int rc = 0;
rc = MQTTPacket_send_ack(MQTTVersion, PUBREC, msgid, 0, net);
Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 13, NULL, net->socket, clientID, msgid, rc);
return rc;
* Send an MQTT PUBREL packet down a socket.
* @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT being used
* @param msgid the MQTT message id to use
* @param dup boolean - whether to set the MQTT DUP flag
* @param socket the open socket to send the data to
* @param clientID the string client identifier, only used for tracing
* @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE)
int MQTTPacket_send_pubrel(int MQTTVersion, int msgid, int dup, networkHandles* net, const char* clientID)
int rc = 0;
rc = MQTTPacket_send_ack(MQTTVersion, PUBREL, msgid, dup, net);
Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 16, NULL, net->socket, clientID, msgid, rc);
return rc;
* Send an MQTT PUBCOMP packet down a socket.
* @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT being used
* @param msgid the MQTT message id to use
* @param socket the open socket to send the data to
* @param clientID the string client identifier, only used for tracing
* @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE)
int MQTTPacket_send_pubcomp(int MQTTVersion, int msgid, networkHandles* net, const char* clientID)
int rc = 0;
rc = MQTTPacket_send_ack(MQTTVersion, PUBCOMP, msgid, 0, net);
Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 18, NULL, net->socket, clientID, msgid, rc);
return rc;
* Function used in the new packets table to create acknowledgement packets.
* @param MQTTVersion the version of MQTT being used
* @param aHeader the MQTT header byte
* @param data the rest of the packet
* @param datalen the length of the rest of the packet
* @return pointer to the packet structure
void* MQTTPacket_ack(int MQTTVersion, unsigned char aHeader, char* data, size_t datalen)
Ack* pack = NULL;
char* curdata = data;
char* enddata = &data[datalen];
if ((pack = malloc(sizeof(Ack))) == NULL)
goto exit;
pack->MQTTVersion = MQTTVersion;
pack->header.byte = aHeader;
if (pack->header.bits.type != DISCONNECT)
if (enddata - curdata < 2) /* Is there enough data for the msgid? */
pack = NULL;
goto exit;
pack->msgId = readInt(&curdata);
if (MQTTVersion >= MQTTVERSION_5)
MQTTProperties props = MQTTProperties_initializer;
pack->properties = props;
/* disconnect has no msgid */
if (datalen > 2 || (pack->header.bits.type == DISCONNECT && datalen > 0))
pack->rc = readChar(&curdata); /* reason code */
if (datalen > 3 || (pack->header.bits.type == DISCONNECT && datalen > 1))
if (MQTTProperties_read(&pack->properties, &curdata, enddata) != 1)
if (pack->properties.array)
if (pack)
pack = NULL; /* signal protocol error */
goto exit;
return pack;
* Send an MQTT PUBLISH packet down a socket.
* @param pack a structure from which to get some values to use, e.g topic, payload
* @param dup boolean - whether to set the MQTT DUP flag
* @param qos the value to use for the MQTT QoS setting
* @param retained boolean - whether to set the MQTT retained flag
* @param socket the open socket to send the data to
* @param clientID the string client identifier, only used for tracing
* @return the completion code (e.g. TCPSOCKET_COMPLETE)
int MQTTPacket_send_publish(Publish* pack, int dup, int qos, int retained, networkHandles* net, const char* clientID)
Header header;
char *topiclen;
int rc = SOCKET_ERROR;
topiclen = malloc(2);
if (topiclen == NULL)
goto exit;
header.bits.type = PUBLISH;
header.bits.dup = dup;
header.bits.qos = qos;
header.bits.retain = retained;
if (qos > 0 || pack->MQTTVersion >= 5)
int buflen = ((qos > 0) ? 2 : 0) + ((pack->MQTTVersion >= 5) ? MQTTProperties_len(&pack->properties) : 0);
char *ptr = NULL;
char* bufs[4] = {topiclen, pack->topic, NULL, pack->payload};
size_t lens[4] = {2, strlen(pack->topic), buflen, pack->payloadlen};
int frees[4] = {1, 0, 1, 0};
PacketBuffers packetbufs = {4, bufs, lens, frees, {pack->mask[0], pack->mask[1], pack->mask[2], pack->mask[3]}};
bufs[2] = ptr = malloc(buflen);
if (ptr == NULL)
goto exit_free;
if (qos > 0)
writeInt(&ptr, pack->msgId);
if (pack->MQTTVersion >= 5)
MQTTProperties_write(&ptr, &pack->properties);
ptr = topiclen;
writeInt(&ptr, (int)lens[1]);
rc = MQTTPacket_sends(net, header, &packetbufs, pack->MQTTVersion);
memcpy(pack->mask, packetbufs.mask, sizeof(pack->mask));
char* ptr = topiclen;
char* bufs[3] = {topiclen, pack->topic, pack->payload};
size_t lens[3] = {2, strlen(pack->topic), pack->payloadlen};
int frees[3] = {1, 0, 0};
PacketBuffers packetbufs = {3, bufs, lens, frees, {pack->mask[0], pack->mask[1], pack->mask[2], pack->mask[3]}};
writeInt(&ptr, (int)lens[1]);
rc = MQTTPacket_sends(net, header, &packetbufs, pack->MQTTVersion);
memcpy(pack->mask, packetbufs.mask, sizeof(pack->mask));
if (qos == 0)
Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 27, NULL, net->socket, clientID, retained, rc, pack->payloadlen,
min(20, pack->payloadlen), pack->payload);
Log(LOG_PROTOCOL, 10, NULL, net->socket, clientID, pack->msgId, qos, retained, rc, pack->payloadlen,
min(20, pack->payloadlen), pack->payload);
return rc;
* Free allocated storage for a various packet tyoes
* @param pack pointer to the suback packet structure
void MQTTPacket_free_packet(MQTTPacket* pack)
if (pack->header.bits.type == PUBLISH)
/*else if (pack->header.type == SUBSCRIBE)
MQTTPacket_freeSubscribe((Subscribe*)pack, 1);
else if (pack->header.type == UNSUBSCRIBE)
* Writes an integer as 4 bytes to an output buffer.
* @param pptr pointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @param anInt the integer to write
void writeInt4(char** pptr, unsigned int anInt)
**pptr = (char)(anInt / 16777216);
anInt %= 16777216;
**pptr = (char)(anInt / 65536);
anInt %= 65536;
**pptr = (char)(anInt / 256);
**pptr = (char)(anInt % 256);
* Calculates an integer from two bytes read from the input buffer
* @param pptr pointer to the input buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
* @return the integer value calculated
unsigned int readInt4(char** pptr)
unsigned char* ptr = (unsigned char*)*pptr;
unsigned int value = 16777216*(*ptr) + 65536*(*(ptr+1)) + 256*(*(ptr+2)) + (*(ptr+3));
*pptr += 4;
return value;
void writeMQTTLenString(char** pptr, MQTTLenString lenstring)
writeInt(pptr, lenstring.len);
memcpy(*pptr,, lenstring.len);
*pptr += lenstring.len;
int MQTTLenStringRead(MQTTLenString* lenstring, char** pptr, char* enddata)
int len = -1;
/* the first two bytes are the length of the string */
if (enddata - (*pptr) > 1) /* enough length to read the integer? */
lenstring->len = readInt(pptr); /* increments pptr to point past length */
if (&(*pptr)[lenstring->len] <= enddata)
lenstring->data = (char*)*pptr;
*pptr += lenstring->len;
len = 2 + lenstring->len;
return len;
if (prop->value.integer4 >= 0 && prop->value.integer4 <= 127)
len = 1;
else if (prop->value.integer4 >= 128 && prop->value.integer4 <= 16383)
len = 2;
else if (prop->value.integer4 >= 16384 && prop->value.integer4 < 2097151)
len = 3;
else if (prop->value.integer4 >= 2097152 && prop->value.integer4 < 268435455)
len = 4;
int MQTTPacket_VBIlen(int rem_len)
int rc = 0;
if (rem_len < 128)
rc = 1;
else if (rem_len < 16384)
rc = 2;
else if (rem_len < 2097152)
rc = 3;
rc = 4;
return rc;
* Decodes the message length according to the MQTT algorithm
* @param getcharfn pointer to function to read the next character from the data source
* @param value the decoded length returned
* @return the number of bytes read from the socket
int MQTTPacket_VBIdecode(int (*getcharfn)(char*, int), unsigned int* value)
char c;
int multiplier = 1;
int len = 0;
*value = 0;
rc = MQTTPACKET_READ_ERROR; /* bad data */
goto exit;
rc = (*getcharfn)(&c, 1);
if (rc != 1)
goto exit;
*value += (c & 127) * multiplier;
multiplier *= 128;
} while ((c & 128) != 0);
return len;
static char* bufptr;
int bufchar(char* c, int count)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
*c = *bufptr++;
return count;
int MQTTPacket_decodeBuf(char* buf, unsigned int* value)
bufptr = buf;
return MQTTPacket_VBIdecode(bufchar, value);